Stage pyrotechnics


Theatrical performances, musical concerts, disco parties, gala dances and other ceremonial events can turn, with a little help of pyrotechnic experts, into real spectacles. Typical pyrotechnical elements are “blitz” and “flash” effects, coloured smokes, silver and golden fountains, stage waterfalls, coloured joke bombs and many others.


Our technically educated pyro-technist can give you any advice you may need or offer you numerous ideas for attractive but safe performance of indoor fireworks.


KONFETI: s pomočjo “topa” in zraka pod pritiskom izstrelimo nad obiskovalce papirnate ali metalne konfete; poljubne barve in poljubne oblike; naj zabavo, koncert, ples ali maškarado popestrijo mavrični konfeti.


Tudi v filmski in televizijski produkciji je pirotehnika nepogrešljiva!


Akcijski film potrebuje eksplozije, ogenj, dim in podobno.